Music Videos

Video playlist: Hooga, Mother Queen, Talking to You, Crazy Old World, Paris at Night, LovePeaceFlesh, Hill The MountaVista.


Classic MP3

Concert for violiste de la Merce  6Min 

In Barcelona I made the sketch in the church. She played violin. At home I made this piece of music.

Rock/Blues MP3

The Last Thing I Will Do with This Live 10Min

This song I have written so long ago, that I gave up the idea of ever playing it and singing along.

But now somehow I'm starting to be able to play piano along with singing. I play piano for years now, usually a kind of classical sounding inprovisation.

And I hoped one day to be able to perform it.

Rude To Night4Min11 Bawling assault on you and your subwoofers.

You meet a girl and she is too pretty.
You try everything and yes for a very short period of time you succeed.
You know to please her.

Pretty birds fly too fast.
So our bass player lost out.

Doctor Fish2Min13Up tempo, heavy kissing.
   Doctor Fish (long)5Min41
MoonLight5Min45 It's a horrible sad story.

Passing under the flowering cherry trees in the orchard. Remembering his fallen love,
who is wildly ripped out of his life.

MotherQueen7Min11 Love story telling.
It's about a MotherQueen, who protects her daughter so well,
that I really don't stand a chance.
She tries to blow me off
with some well standing principles.
Big Bright Brains 2Min59 Beating business at Wallstreet.

She walks with agitated speed.
Rolling the pavement, as she goes!
Counting the clerk heads , as she goes!

   Big Bright Brains (long)4Min56
Dreaming3Min32 A far trip blowing.

If you came down from the sky:
What would you see?
Would it make you proud and let you glow?

Break wild now!

Another Parachute9Min This is also an old song.

It's at the moment when you get a present of your mother for your master degree. And your are falling out of an plane.

Yes, you got an one-week-course for para-jumping.

Waiting For So Long 4Min01
Tear Her Away2Min14
Hooga Hooga Hooga Hook Hook Hook4Min01 Tribal rhytm.

About nothing but the only thing.
You didn't know it before it was finished.

She Gonna Gonna Get It7Min59
Flower Picking 7Min17 Mysterious story telling.
Many songs start getting created by playing chords on my gitar.

So this one too.
Later the words are added and more chords follow.
And I need the words to remember the rhytm and melody.
And so after a while when the song is finished, you ask yourself:
What's this song about?
And this QuaakQuaak song is about a frog,
dreaming of being kissed,
just like in the old fairy tale.